The myth that they carry them to secret "elephant burial grounds," however, has no factual base. (Photo via the Cardboard Box). Both male and female African elephants grow tusks, but only male Asian elephants grow them. Large male adult elephants can reach a mass of 5 000 kg. Read and … To find out more, view our Cookie Policy. Desert elephants are approximately the same body size as savannah elephants, although their bodies may appear less bulky, probably from a lower food intake. I do know is that they can remader were a waterhole is that is smart too. 3) There’s an easy way to tell the African elephants apart from their Asian cousins – their ears! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Desert-adapted Elephants. A series of interesting and unique facts about Botswana are highlighted below. These elephants live in the tropical forests of Africa’s Congo Basin. Introduction: Deserts & Desert Animals (Scroll down to see the animals!) I have personally watched the Elephants feeding and they have none of the seeming wastefulness of the elephants in other parks and reserves, in fact they will move their foot away if they feel any vegetation they are about to step on. Wooow I love them it helped me a lot in my quiz, […] they eat all kinds of plants: grass, leaves, woody shrubs, flowers, and fruits. 6. Elephant tusks never stop growing, so enormous tusks can be a sign of an old elephant. Desert elephants, blink and you may miss them! Interesting Elephant Facts: 6-10. Click here to learn more about threats to the Asian elephant and what is being done to help. How could an animal that eats and drinks as much as an elephant find enough food and water to live in a desert. Want to know more about elephants? Each elephant creates about one tonne of poo per week, which keeps the soil fertile and disperses tree seeds. Elephant Natural Habitat. Am from nyanama. They have straighter tusks and more rounded ears than Savannah elephants. These elephants differ slightly from their more plentiful cousin, the African elephant. Image: desert elephant in Hoarusib riverbed near Purros, Kaokoland Additionally, the country has a density of 1.28 elephants per square km, which is the highest elephant concentration in Africa. Desert-adapted elephants are found in only two places in the world; in Mali and in the northern reaches of Namibia. Elephant facts. There are two distinct species of elephants: African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). After a river or swamp bath, they’ll throw mud and sand up and over themselves to protect their skin from the hot, burning sun. This site uses cookies. A young bull makes his presence known (Photo by Norbert Schuster), A young bull under the tutelage of an elder bull is sometimes called an “askari”. The Desert Elephants of Namibia are the same species as the African Elephant but with very different behaviour due to the extremes of their habitats. You’re leaving to visit another website! After a time these bulls will find a mate and start their own herd. I think all of us should help elephants and not kill them for there tusks. Get messy, explore and appreciate nature, all from the safety of home! Desert animals for kids with pictures and facts. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Elephants can’t see very well, but they do have a very good sense of smell (well, they would do with those noses!) Or ask a specialist operator like Terra Nova to help you organise such an adventure. The other members of the Proboscidea order include mastodons, mammoths, gomphotheres and deinotheres, all of which are now extinct. What's more, in their search for water, desert elephants can cause extensive damage to valuable water sources, often rendering communities in Namibia without access to these sources for quite some time. The first is the African savanna/bush elephant (Loxodonta africana). Speaking of desert-adapted lions. Desert Elephants Image Source: Michael Jansen It’s probably quite surprising to see elephants show up in a list of desert animals since we probably picture them grazing on the vast grasslands of Africa or roaming in the tropical forests of Asia, but the desert elephant is a bit of an exception and can be found in desert areas of north-western Namibia. Elephants are known for their large ears, tusks made of ivory and their trunks – which are actually a fusion of their nose and upper lip. 1) There are three different species of elephant – the African Savannah elephant, the African Forest elephant and the Asian elephant. Botswana is home to approximately 130,451 elephants. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Brilliant footage of a family of elephants crossing the Namib desert and searching for food from BBC's Wild Africa series. Thus they frighten easily and extreme patience and silence are required if you do not wish to disturb them. The seasonal rivers are dependent on local rain fall before flowing above ground, however, in times of drought the water still flows, but deep under the desert sand. Elephant Species in Africa. Asian elephants’ ears are smaller and shaped like India. You can find out more about desert elephants here. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. (Photo via EHRA). Introduction: The desert-adapted elephant generally inhabit the ancient, ephemeral riverbeds that can be found in north-west regions of Namibia. In light of recent incidents of human-wildlife conflict in the country the organisation Elephant Human Relations Aid (EHRA) has shared some tips for those that will be visiting the Ugab River area, that live in the area or that may encounter the desert elephants. They are also very shy and have poor eyesight, but have excellent hearing and a terrific sense of smell. (Photo by Michael Poliza). Though genetically similar to bush/savanna elephants, desert elephants look and behave differently due to their desert-like habitat in northwestern Namibia. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Ask your parents to check out Nat Geo Kids magazine! Ready to get the lowdown on these gentle giants, gang? This website uses cookies (not edible ones! While you wait for it to be checked and approved why not to add There is no comments yet. The desert elephants can appear leaner and taller due to their diet and have bigger feet than other African elephants. loved 'em! A lone elephant surveys her arid surroundings. I Accept, The Desert-Adapted Elephants of Namibia's Kunene Region. Presently the free-roaming population of desert elephants in the Kunene region is sitting around 600. A family of elephants traverse the harsh terrain together. This really made me open my eyes and actually understand the danger elephants are in. Asian elephants also face threats from tourist attractions where people pay to ride on their backs or watch them paint pictures using their trunks. As mentioned in a previous post, there are several desert dwelling large mammals in Namibia’s north-western Kunene region. It takes 22 months for a baby elephant to be ready to be born (it only takes 9 months for a human baby). Check out this video below for some interesting facts on how these large mammals survive in the unforgiving arid landscape! 4) You can tell a lot about an elephant by looking at their tusks! African elephants have large ears shaped like the continent of Africa! Elephants eat almost any vegetation, including grasses, herbs, shrubs, leaves, bark, seeds, and fruit. 1. The desert-adapted elephants of Namibia and Mali have developed unusual physical and behavioural traits to help them survive in their harsh environments. The term Desert Elephant sounds like an oxymoron. But through the concerted efforts of the Namibian government and private groups like the Elephant Human Relations Aid these desert animals are slowly growing in numbers each year. These cookies do not store any personal information. [Elephant Images: The Biggest Beasts on Land]African elephants are the larger of the two species. There were once almost 3000 desert elephants in the Kunene region, but rampant poaching and hunting in the 1980’s casued these numbers to plumet and the gentle giants were on the brink of extinction until just recently. 2. ELEPHANT TREES [Most images are clickable, for a larger version] Elephant tree (Pachycormus discolor) near the eastern coast of Baja CaliforniaElephant trees are large shrubs or relatively small trees, characterised by their thick, swollen trunks which serve for water storage. Elephants are very important to people and they should not b hunt for man's satisfaction. Elephants seem to be fascinated with the tusks and bones of dead elephants, fondling and examining them. 5 amazing facts about elephants that you probably didn’t know by Mariana – Curie Class Blog, 9847326087203473108960238740831981398138015380jdsahuodyuoiasuhiucoiZdbcausoeoSEDJaskB lkdUSDUKsibnclKdosuavbaou, What can elephants do? They grow to between 8.2 and 13 feet (2.5 and 4 meters) tall at the shoulder and weigh 5,000 to 14,000 lbs. A tusk-less adult elephant is likely to be a female Asian elephant. Elephants belong to the order Proboscidea and family Elephantidae. Each year the desert elephants of Mali, West Africa, travel a 300-mile path to search for water. 2) Elephants are the world’s largest land animal! This abandoned pup has an unusual feature on his forehead…. Here are 10 facts everyone should know about elephants. Male African elephants can reach 3m tall and weigh between 4,000 -7,500kg. Discover amazing facts about all your favourite animals! By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Many people assume that elephants that are in the wild only live in the grasslands. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 9. 10. Surviving in the deser takes practice. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. a pre-selected message and a cool badge, Whoo! Desert elephants of Namibia. Animal adaptations for living in the desert. EHRA has been running a volunteer project for over eight years now and it has been a huge success. Elephants are very social, frequently touching and caressing one another and entwining their trunks. 8) In Mount Elgon National Park in Kenya, a group of elephants use their tusks to mine for salt in underground caves! Shame on the tourists who pay to see these acts and paying to ride them, if we all boycotted these shows then it wouldn't happen, sadly that will never happen, let elephants be free and live as they are meant to live. These elephants are very similar to the African bush elephant, but are a bit smaller with larger feet and longer legs than their savannah dwelling cousins. Data on desert elephant numbers is incredibly important as this project is the only organisation providing accurate figures to the government on the elephants in this area! Elephants also dig waterholes and create footpaths, literally changing the landscape around them! Desert elephants are notoriously difficult to spot as they roll around in the desert dust any chance they get, leaving them the colour of the sand found in their natural environment. (Video courtesy of Lynda Gregory, commentary by Russell Vinjevold). Adult bulls can consume 250kg daily, although females eat less than that. However, they don’t stop there, lions are known to take on larger mammals such as young elephants and hippos and will also scavenge and chase off other predators such as hyenas or wild dogs from their kills. Like the desert rhinos these massive beasts traverse huge distances on a daily basis, covering up to 70km a day in search of water and food in the sparse and stark landscapes they have made their homes. The visitors must stay quiet in their vehicles, never chase elephants when they move away, view elephants from downwind side and allow a distance of 100 metres between them, never drive in the night, leave the area if animal appears to be nervous. Savanna elephants yes, forest elephants yes, but a huge pachyderm surviving in an environment that is primarily sand, rocks, and gravel is not an easy concept to get your head around. During the wet season, they prefer green shoots and buds, but in the dry season, desert elephants will eat camelthorn, mopane, and Ana trees and seedpods. Very interesting and very nice fact of elephants. Ask a parent or guardian to check it out first and remember to stay safe online. Elephants can also move very fast. (Photo by Norbert Schuster). Asian elephants are slightly smaller, reaching 2.7m tall and weighing 3,000– 6,000kg. These adapted elephants travel in smaller groups than your typical African elephants so that there is less pressure on the group to find the amount of food a large herd would need. Hello I love these websites. 5) Until recently, African Forest elephants were thought to be a subspecies of the African elephant, but new research discovered that they are actually a separate species entirely. Read on to find out more about Damaraland’s desert elephants. I think that Elephant are smart by what they do like they make there own sunscreen that is smart. Cool, huh? Their intelligence and majesty should be preserved for future generations and we can all take part in ensuring this can happen! (Photo by Norbert Schuster) Like the desert rhinos these massive beasts traverse … This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. ). As long as organisations like EHRA exist, and as long as people in Namibia and from around the world remain committed to protecting these beautiful animals they will continue to fight back from the brink of extinction. Most of us are well aware of elephants and have even seen at least one of them in person at a zoo or circus. Check out our ten elephant-astic elephant facts! Elephants, the planet’s largest terrestrial mammal, are fascinating creatures that are worth getting to understand. Or at the very least check out this 3-hour game drive. I am 10 years old and I love animals I have two dogs and a friend sea orchin. You’ll definitely want to spend a few days in Etosha and this tour makes it easy to do so. They help me wanna become a vet more and more. NG KiDS catches up with wildlife expert Steve Backshall…. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 10) Sadly, elephants are in trouble. 7) All that eating means one thing, gang, an awful lot of poo! Check out our list of 115 elephants to learn more about these wonderful creatures! Many are killed by humans for their ivory tusks, because they’ve come into conflict with communities or simply for sport. Asian elephants live in Nepal, India and Southeast Asia in scrub forests and rainforests. 6) These magnificent mammals spend between 12 to 18 hours eating grass, plants and fruit every single day! African elephants live in sub-Saharan Africa, the rainforests of Central and West Africa and the Sahel desert in Mali, according to National Geographic. Desert Elephant. If you want to track these magnificent beasts you can do so while staying at the Palmwag Rhino Camp that we spoke about last week in our post on desert rhinos. Elephants are so big and heavy that they can’t jump. They are also very shy and have poor eyesight, but have excellent hearing and a terrific sense of smell. 7. Desert elephants are notoriously difficult to spot as they roll around in the desert dust any chance they get, leaving them the colour of the sand found in their natural environment. If you read the first hand testimonials of volunteers who have been through the program and look at the tangible effects the organisation has had on the conservation of the Kunene’s elephants, it is clear that EHRA is doing good work for one of Namibia’s threatened species. Elephant facts. (Photo by Norbert Schuster). This makes these gentle giants even harder to track since they roam in area that is over 115,154km2. Know the difference between Asian and African elephants and find out more about these amazing creatures with our list of facts and elephant links. Be the first to post a comment! 9) Elephants have created their very own sunscreen! Elephants are known for their large ears, tusks made of ivory and their trunks – which are actually a fusion of their nose and upper lip. 14 Fun Facts About Elephants #5: Cartoons lie—elephants don’t like peanuts An elephant running in the Masai Mara, Kenya (Courtesy of Flickr user brittanyhock ) They, like humans, have a very long lifespan and structured family hierarchies with the family learning how to live in the arid region together from one another. If you do not have the time to take part in one of the many volunteer programs associated with conserving the desert elephants but still want to get involved, then you always have the option of donating money to EHRA who will dedicate your pledges to protecting Damaraland’s rare natural treasures. They peacefully pass through the lands of the Tuareg, Dogon, and Fulani people while following the longest migration route of any elephant in the world. 115 Top Elephant Facts. Note: I didn’t see a desert elephant but I saw large herds of African elephants in Etosha National Park! Their feet appear to be wider, probably as a result of walking long distances on sand, which causes the footpads to be splayed out. Elephants mainly live in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of Africa and Asia. Het Desert Elephant Project is opgericht om te zorgen voor een situatie waarbij de lokale gemeenschappen in goede harmonie kunnen leven met de olifanten. Two elephants share a cuddle at a watering hole. 2) Elephants A herd of elephants head out in search of water and food. | Journal of African Elephants. Een mooie uitdaging waarbij je zowel de belangen van de mens als de olifantenkuddes goed in de gaten moet houden! They feel their way around with their trunks and eat the salts by breaking them off with their tusks. A to Z list of animals that live in the desert. ELEPHANT FACTS AND FIGURES. This is a great website for learning and i loved all the different facts. Moreover, African elephants are native to 37 African countries, mainly in the south of the Sahara Desert. The skin of an elephant is an inch thick. There are far fewer Asian elephants (which are categorised as Endangered) than there are African elephants (listed as Vulnerable – at risk of becoming Endangered). Namibia is home to one of two known groups of desert adapted elephants in the world, with the other group being found in Mali. (except the last one of course), This really helped me with my infomation report for school I’m doing elephants, This is amazing news I’m a teacher and my kids love it, how can elephants ears be like that that is actually cool, I am 99 I will not see these loving elephant any more, I think that people should,not hunt elephants. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Elephants are able to survive in a variety of different locations because of the huge variety of food sources that they consume. Deserts are regions in which very little rain falls. Botswana Has Africa’s Highest Concentration of Elephants . African Elephants … Sadly the largest elephant ever recorded, estimated as over 10 000 kg, was shot in Angola during the 1970s. (Photo by Anette Mossbacher), Read about the desert adapted rhinos of Namibia, Download our adventure travel planning guide, Find out about Damaraland & Kunene region. These elephants also belong to the genus Pachyderms, meaning “thick skinned”, the genus includes rhinoceroses as well. According to National Geographic, they spend 12 to 18 hours a day eating, and can consume over 300 pounds of food a day: […]. (Photo by Norbert Schuster). Thus they frighten easily and extreme patience and silence are required if you do not wish to disturb them. Desert elephants, blink and you may miss them! Clever! Elephant Elephants in the Kalahari Desert. They use their long trunks to smell their food and lift it up into their mouth – yum! 10 Elephants Facts. A young elephant reaching high for some delicious greenery.Most sightings of these elephants happen close to food and water sources. They are also able to go several days without drinking any water, which together with their ability to walk long distances, helps them get from one oasis to the next. There are three species of elephant in existence today: the African bush elephant, the Asian elephant, and the African forest elephant. Check out our gallery of beautiful autumn animals! Eventually when the young males reach puberty they will split off from their familial herd and join up with other maturing bulls with whom they will grow older. There are three distinct species of elephant left in the world: The Asian elephant and, in Africa, the forest and savannah elephant species. Although not a separate species, and not much different from other Savannah elephants Loxodonata africana africana, Namibia’s desert-dwelling elephants are special nonetheless. 1) There are three different species of elephant – the African Savannah elephant, the African Forest elephant and the Asian elephant. There are two species of elephants that live in Africa. The African variations can weigh anywhere between 2.7 and 11.5 tons with the bush elephant being bigger. The continent of Africa ’ s an easy way to tell the African elephant list facts! Such an adventure are found in only two places in the grasslands use third-party cookies that help us analyze understand. No factual base Mount Elgon National Park use of cookies Concentration in Africa, bark, seeds and. Geo kids magazine estimated as over 10 000 kg, was shot in during... Out this video below for some delicious greenery.Most sightings of these cookies may your. 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2020 desert elephants facts