Because carnelian crystals and stones boost creativity it is known as ‘The Artists Stone’. Written By Liz Oakes. Carnelian Name Etymology. It is not very common, as most sold on the world market is actually heated Agate. List of Gemstone Meanings: For our full list of gemstone meanings. Carnelian Crystals For Creativity, Motivation, Clarification & Action Toward Goals. Also, carnelian excels in sacred rituals for clearing negativity and bringing joy. Carnelian are stones of action, that will give you the courage and confidence to move forward on a new path in life, and their energy maintains an improved flow of life force energy via the blood.. As it gets closer to brown, it enters into another category of crystals: Sard. The stone exists in a range of warm hues, from light yellow to deep red. Carnelian is a member of the Chalcedony family. Carnelian is a lovely orange to red-orange to brown to pale yellow variety of chalcedony quartz. Carnelian Meaning. Carnelian comes from the mineral chalcedony, a variation from the Quartz family. Carnelian Properties and Meaning. No matter the exact linguistic ties the darker the Carnelian crystal, the more it resonates with the base or root chakra. Besides its connection with the flesh (carnal knowledge) there is another theory that Carnelian took its name from the Kornel cherry, which bears similar coloration. Carnelian Crystal Meanings. It is a stone of creativity and Light. Carnelian is a brown-red variant of chalcedony. Read more about Carnelian crystal healing properties below, complete with galleries desktop background image of REAL Carnelian! It has been in use as a gemstone and stone of power for thousands of years. A carnelian crystal displaying a …